Welcome to HALO

Welcome to HALO, the quarterly newsletter of the City of Angels Church of Religious Science.  Here, we spread the glory of God and further our understanding of the Almighty through affirmations, enlightening articles, reviews of publications that can open hearts and minds, and profiles of the Church’s most respected members.  We hope this newsletter brings you closer to God and brings comfort and peace closer to your life. Read December Halo.

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Quarterly Affirmation

Today I awaken from my sleep and like Jesus will forever be in intimate and constant communication with God.  Life was never meant to be a struggle. I will move through each day smoothly, understanding the strength of the still quiet mind…Read More.

Book Review

Peter Arnell, authors a self help book titled, “THE SHIFT” which approaches weight loss and healthy lifestyle through a fresh direction. He utilizes concepts from his profession of marketing and advertising to lose over 150 pounds, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This book compels one to reach within and look at themselves in a light which they may never have before. This book left me feeling spiritually lighter as well.  Clients, whose marketing success was spearheaded by Peter Arnell , include Donna Karan, Chrysler, Banana Republic, Reebok, and more. Read More.

O.C. Remixed

Everything old is brand new again!  O.C. Smith gets a new remix of his old hit “Close to you.”  This wonderful new digital re-master is available from the Bookstore as a digital download or on CD!  Press the play button below for a small preview.