
Individual Freedom

Individual Freedom

| January 26, 2018

“We believe in our own soul, our own spirit, and our own destiny; for we understand that our life is God.” Our lives, our very souls, are manifestations of God. In that God has infinite...

Direct Revelation of Truth

Direct Revelation of Truth

| January 26, 2018

“We believe in the direct revelation of Truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that anyone may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.” The Almighty Spirit...

God is Personal

God is Personal

| January 26, 2018

“We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling Presence.” We believe that the Almighty Spirit cannot be confined to a building, a symbol, or a religious book. God is within us...

Interconnectedness of Life

Interconnectedness of Life

| January 26, 2018

“We believe in the unity of all life.” Every creature has its place, and the innermost God in all life is the one God that exists in all of us.

Emancipation from Discord

Emancipation from Discord

| January 26, 2018

“We believe the ultimate goal of life is complete emancipation from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.” Discord arises from our lack of understanding, mistaking...

Heaven Within

Heaven Within

| January 26, 2018

“We believe that the kingdom of heaven is within us, and that we experience this kingdom to the degree that we become conscious of it.” One need not look without, but rather, within, to find...

Eternity of the Soul

Eternity of the Soul

| January 26, 2018

“We believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever expanding.” Our soul is the Almighty within us; as God is inextinguishable, so too is the human soul. What impacts...

A Unified God

A Unified God

| January 26, 2018

“We believe the living Almighty Spirit exists in all that is, and all that is exists in this One.” God exists in various incarnations in all religions, yet, all these are but faces of the...

One God, Absolute

One God, Absolute

| January 26, 2018

“The highest God and the innermost God are one God.” We believe that there is but one God, neither He nor She. This living Almighty Spirit manifests itself in and through all creation, yet, the...